Most Priority Is Environment

come up with the Eco friendly concept and working towards goal of converting waste in to wealth. we are manufacturing High Quality Paper Manufacturer for Packaging Industries, for manufacturing we use waste paper as raw materials for manufacturing our paper product and also company have invested huge amounts into latest European Technology and upgraded facilities to minimize the impact of our production discharge. We have established ourselves as a purely recyclers from the beginning by making our products out of waste paper only and avoiding cutting trees or use of wood pulp to produce papers.

Paper has a very significant impact on the environment which has affected many decisions in the industry as well as behaviors at personal and business levels.

Integrate energy and environmental considerations into the design of our facility.

Review the environmental policy and allied management systems periodically to ensure their continuing applicability and relevance to our operations and evolving stakeholder expectations.

"Proper handling of waste materials, such as reusing or disposing of them properly, should constitute an important part of our efforts to preserve energy and protect the environment."

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Caliber Papers LLP
+91 99133 34561